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[光电讲坛]Graphene: from studies of local electronic properties to sensor applications
2017-04-07 15:41 光电技术及系统教育部重点实验室 

Topic Graphene: from studies of local electronic properties to sensor applications

By Olga Kazakova, NPL, UK 

Time 10.50-11.40 am, Tue, 11th Apr2017411日周二上午10:50-11:40

Venue1201 Main Building, Campus A, Chongqing University(重庆大学A区主教学楼1201会议室)



We present a quantitative method for the mapping of local electronic properties of graphene and related materials. We also demonstrate that the technique is essential both for control of growth parameters and device functionality. The approach combines local mapping of graphene work function and structural properties on the nanoscale, with measurements of global magnetotransport characteristics.

The results are shown by the charge inversion in quasi-free graphene and the effects of humidity and environment in graphene chemical and biological sensors.




Olga Kazakova received her PhD degree in Physics in 1996 from Institute of Crystallography (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow).

She moved to Solid State Physics Department of Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) in 1999, where she worked first as a postdoc and later on as an assistant professor in the area of nanomagnetism and nanotechnology.

Olga joined the Quantum Detection group at the NPL as a Principle Research Scientist in 2002. Currently, she leads a number of national and international projects (current portfolio ~£1M/year over last 5 years) funded by IUK, Newton Fund, EMPIR, Horizon 2020, etc.







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