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2016年Spectral Finite Element Method For Aerospace Structures
2016-06-27 14:03  

报告题目:Spectral Finite Element Method For Aerospace Structures

主讲人:Dr. Gang Wang

                 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

                University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA



Abstract: Recent advances in adaptive materials, such as piezoelectric materials, have enabled the application of smart structures technology to helicopters for active control of vibration and noise, damping augmentation, and rotor blade morphing. A hybrid damping scheme using passive constrained layer damping (PCLD) and surface bonded piezoelectric actuator was proposed for vibration and noise control, and stability augmentation in helicopters. In order to evaluate the performance of these treatments, one needs to understand the dynamic behavior of sandwich structures. Natural frequencies, loss factors, mode shape functions, and frequency response functions are required to evaluate the sandwich structures. The analyses of sandwich structures are complicated by the frequency-dependent stiffness and damping properties of viscoelastic materials. The goal of this research is to develop an advanced analysis technique (or framework) to characterize the performance of smart structures for aerospace applications.

In this seminar, an advanced structural analysis approach, i.e., the spectral finite element method (SFEM), will be presented. The spectral element method (also called dynamic stiffness method) is a frequency domain method which combines the features of exact solution approach, Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) and Inverse FFT, and conventional finite element method. Applications to aerospace structures including sandwich panels with viscoelastic cores, tapered helicopter blades, multi-layered elastic structures, and 2D rectangular plate structures, will be discussed.


王钢,19937月毕业于大连理工大学工程力学系工程力学专业,获工学学士学位。同年9月就读于大连理工大学工程力学研究所计算力学专业,19967月获工学硕士学位。19968月进入美国马里兰大学航空工程系攻读硕士学位和博士学位,在Prof. N.W. Wereley教授指导下从事结构力学和振动方面研究工作,于200112月获博士学位。之后留校从事博士后科研工作,历任马里兰大学航空工程系助理研究员,Techno-Sciences 公司高级和首席工程师。2010年在阿拉巴马汉斯威尔大学(University of Alabama in Huntsville) 机械与航天工程系 任教至今,历任助理教授(Assistant Professor)、终身副教授 (Tenured Associate Professor)2016年受聘湖南科技大学特聘教授,入选湖南省2015年度百人计划。主要从事结构动力学、航空航天智能结构、减振降噪等方面教学和研究工作。在国内外重要学术期刊和会议上发表论文50余篇,授权美国国家专利3项。美国航空航天协会(AIAA) Associate Fellow,曾获AIAA杰出青年贡献奖, NASA马歇尔中心Summer Faculty Fellow、美国机械工程学会(ASME)和直升机 (AHS)学会会员。美国自然科学基金 (NSF)、陆军科研(ARO)项目评审人。国际知名期刊ASME-JVAJSVSmart Materials and StructuresJ. of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures通讯审稿人。



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